2010 to date

Summer Lightning - P.G. Wodehouse
Londongrad. From Russia with Cash: The Inside Story of the Oligarchs - Mark Hollinsworth & Stewart Lansley
Heavy Weather - P.G. Wodehouse
What Should I Do With My Life - Po Bronson
Kitchen Table Tycoons - Anita Naik

Hothouse Kids. How the pressure to succeed is threatening childhood. - Alissa Quart
Nuture Shock. Why everything we think we know about raising our children is wrong. - Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman
Too Big To Fail. Inside the battle to save Wall Street. - Andrew Ross Sorkin

Misadventures in Motherhood - Fiona Looney
The Gambler - Fyodor Dostoevsky
The To-Do List - Mike Gayle
The Hours - Michael Cunningham
Hallucinating Foucault - Patricia Duncker
Darkness Visible - William Styron

The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit - Jeanette Winterson
Breakfast With Socrates. The Philosophy of Everyday Life. - Robert Rowland Smith
Analyze Yourself - E. Pickworth Farrow
The Choice of Hercules. Pleasure, Duty and The Good Life in the 21st Century. - A.C. Grayling
But Inside I'm Screaming - Elizabeth Flock

Happiness: Lessons from a new science - Richard Layard
Uncle Fred in the Springtime - P.G. Wodehouse
Wife in the North - Judith O'Reilly
The Renegede Writer - Linda Formichelli & Diana Burrell

The Geography of Bliss - Eric Weiner
Mood Mapping - Dr. Liz Miller
Pop Babylon - Imogen Edward Jones
Drive. The suprising truth about what motivates us. - Daniel H. Pink

The Incredible Years - Carolyn Webster-Stratton
Voluntary Madness - Norah Vincent
Happiness: The science behind your smile. - Daniel Nettle

Cocktail Time - P.G. Wodehouse
How Not To F*** Them Up - Oliver James

December - Elizabeth H. Winthrop
The Third Man. Life at the Heart of New Labour. - Peter Mandelson
When We Were Bad - Charlottle Mendelson
Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert 
Nigella Lawson.  The Unauthorised Biography. - Gilly Smith 

Daughters of Jerusalem - Charlotte Mendelson
A Journey - Tony Blair 
Snobs - Julian Fellowes